Frequently Asked Questions


“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” – Bruce Lee

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Do YOu offer Video recording services on a one time or hourly basis?

PD Creative Media does not offer an hourly rate for filming live events, editing services, or video strategy consulting. We challenge our clients to sign up for our quarterly package. We have noticed that video content, live streams, and other media services MUST have a solid strategy behind them or they are doomed to few views and low click through rates. Not to mention each business is unique and will have differing objectives and goals for the videos.

What if I am working with an existing marketing Agency?

If you have an existing company handling your digital advertising, print advertising, SEO, or PR we would love to set down with them on a strategy alignment call and discuss how we can work together to create new campaigns and strategies that work within your existing brand guidelines and company culture.

i have tried video in the past and it never Felt that the ROI was there. WHat makes PD Creative Media different.

Video is useless without strategy, that is why we do not offer day rates, hourly shooting/editing, or one time videos for our clients.

We strive to create a framework of digital content across multiple platforms and channels that is custom to your specific video needs.

rather that storytelling, we practice storybuiling. A key element in story building is the age old, tried and true, number one rule in marketing, word of mouth is king. Think of media content as digital word of mouth marketing, it is not just a simple video-but a system fine tuned for exactly what you need it for. that can be lead generation, sales, internal training and education, the possibilities are endless.

DO you handle internal communication videos?

Yes we do. Part of our process is actually to set down with our clients to determine exactly what type of video strategy works for there needs. It just makes sense.

We believe that a happy well trained employee gives you much more return on investment. Let’s face it, no-one likes getting that dream job and getting tons of papers and processes thrown at them, or worse yet, no training at all. Video can automate this process and make onboarding and training a new employee a breeze.

Can I set up a monthly service plan?

We do not offer monthly service plans. THis is due to the nature of video content and the time it takes to properly develop a custom strategy, implement it and track it. Our quarterly plans plans start at $4650/Quarter.

Do I need a quarterly Plan or Just a video?

Some customers reach out for event coverage, internal communications, and other videos that are often one-time projects.

Your best option is to discuss your needs with someone from our team and we can help determine a pre and post marketing plan for your event.

WHat if our company already Creates a ton of video content.

Perfect! Congratulations, you are ahead of the curve. our quarterly packages will help save some time in the editing process and build out an even stronger marketing and sales video strategy.

DO you GUARANTEE your work?

We stand by our work 100%. We follow Murphy’s Law: What can go wrong will go wrong and assure that we carry backups to everything. Lenses, lighting, batteries, audio, cameras, sd cards, we make sure we can do the job in case anything happens on our content gathering days. We have a network of fellow creative video pros who can step in on the off chance we are sick or caught in an accident.

DO you TRavel?

Absolutely, we will travel. However we do charge a travel fee for anywhere outside a 50 mile radius of our home office in New Braunfels. This fee is subject to mode of transport, timeframe, and other factors that are project dependent, so if you want us to travel please let us know early on!

What equipment do you use?

How long is a piece of string? Well it is as long as you need it of course! We use whatever equipment is best suited for the task at hand. Our production setup includes Sony cameras and lenses, RODE microphones, and ZOOM digital audio recorders. But every project is deferent, and we will ALWAYS use the best equipment for the job.

Do you do any commercial photography?

We do handle commercial photography and we have a huge network of imaging professionals and can help match you with the best photographer to meet your specific needs.

Do we have to LICENSE music in your videos?

We use several music licensing sites to obtain our audio. This music requires no work on our clients end for use. We do like to collaborate with local talent whenever it fits with the project, and will handle licensing for you.